Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Anti Aging Bad Habits that Subtract Years from Your Life

When you hear watch what you eat, most people always associate that with gaining weight. The reality is that the food choices we make may be taking years off our lives. Your nutrition plays a large role in the internal chemistry of your body. Which means how your bones grow, brain functions, the health of your skin, and pretty much every physiological process and organ function is all affected by the food we eat.

This may be alarming to some especially looking at what you are eating right this moment. The good thing is that you can do something about it. With reform to your nutrition intake you can add years to your life instead of subtract them away. So may even lose those unwanted pounds while you are at it.

It is important to understand that your body is in a constant state of motion. Everyday your body is rebuilding and repair cells and tissues. Where do we get the items to do the repairs? The answer is food. The food you eat is how your body gets the amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and more to do daily repairs and maintenance. Every physiological process needs ingredients from the food we eat to function or at least function properly.

That one donut isn't what we are talking about. Though is your breakfast only consists of donuts, you are probably lacking the nutrients your body needs.

Anti Aging Bad Habit #1 - Fast Food

You think it is the high calories of fast food that takes years off your life. The truth the big killer with fast food is trans fats. There is no health benefit from eating trans fat food.

Trans fat reduce your life span by more ways than is possible to write about. Two of the biggest is first they inhibit communication between your cells. Healthy fats increase the ability of neurons to send messages throughout your body and back to your brain. Trans fats just gum up the whole process. Second, trans fat affects your chromosomes. By creating excessive inflammation, trans fat frays your chromosomes like taking the cap off your shoe laces.

What to do about trans fat? Just avoid eating at fast food. There can be better healthier choices that are just as quick like a deli sandwich. Plus, look at the labels at the supermarket. Make sure the products you are buying are trans fat free.

Anti Aging Bad Habit #2 - Too Much Sugar

Living on refined and highly processed food items isn't the best for your body. Your body has a limited ability to breakdown sugar, so limited amounts of pure sugar are digested. High sugar intake overtime is one of the leading causes of diabetes. High sugar diets slow down the rebuilding process of your tissue especially in outward appearances like your hair. High sugar diets also create added oxidative stress which causes many of the internal issues associated with poor health of many Americans.

To fix the issue eat 5 small meals during the day. What eat more? That is right. Most sugar cravings are caused by low blood sugar from not eating. Then your body craves energy and we eat quick and simple sugar to fix our cravings. Eating 5 small meals is how your metabolism works so you will not only stop feeling the need to eat sugar you will also burn more fat.

Eating 5 small meals works to cure almost all bad habits. Once you skip a meal or have a large gap between meals your body will do something negative to survive which has long term consequences. During gaps in your meals your body will do things like burn muscle tissue for energy. Start eating a balance of fruits, vegetables, complex carbs, lean protein, and healthy fats with each meal, and you will see your bad habits become real anti aging nutrition.

Sedona Labs offers the highest quality probiotics like iFlora and Serraphase.

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