Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Anti Aging Bad Habits that Subtract Years from Your Life

When you hear watch what you eat, most people always associate that with gaining weight. The reality is that the food choices we make may be taking years off our lives. Your nutrition plays a large role in the internal chemistry of your body. Which means how your bones grow, brain functions, the health of your skin, and pretty much every physiological process and organ function is all affected by the food we eat.

This may be alarming to some especially looking at what you are eating right this moment. The good thing is that you can do something about it. With reform to your nutrition intake you can add years to your life instead of subtract them away. So may even lose those unwanted pounds while you are at it.

It is important to understand that your body is in a constant state of motion. Everyday your body is rebuilding and repair cells and tissues. Where do we get the items to do the repairs? The answer is food. The food you eat is how your body gets the amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and more to do daily repairs and maintenance. Every physiological process needs ingredients from the food we eat to function or at least function properly.

That one donut isn't what we are talking about. Though is your breakfast only consists of donuts, you are probably lacking the nutrients your body needs.

Anti Aging Bad Habit #1 - Fast Food

You think it is the high calories of fast food that takes years off your life. The truth the big killer with fast food is trans fats. There is no health benefit from eating trans fat food.

Trans fat reduce your life span by more ways than is possible to write about. Two of the biggest is first they inhibit communication between your cells. Healthy fats increase the ability of neurons to send messages throughout your body and back to your brain. Trans fats just gum up the whole process. Second, trans fat affects your chromosomes. By creating excessive inflammation, trans fat frays your chromosomes like taking the cap off your shoe laces.

What to do about trans fat? Just avoid eating at fast food. There can be better healthier choices that are just as quick like a deli sandwich. Plus, look at the labels at the supermarket. Make sure the products you are buying are trans fat free.

Anti Aging Bad Habit #2 - Too Much Sugar

Living on refined and highly processed food items isn't the best for your body. Your body has a limited ability to breakdown sugar, so limited amounts of pure sugar are digested. High sugar intake overtime is one of the leading causes of diabetes. High sugar diets slow down the rebuilding process of your tissue especially in outward appearances like your hair. High sugar diets also create added oxidative stress which causes many of the internal issues associated with poor health of many Americans.

To fix the issue eat 5 small meals during the day. What eat more? That is right. Most sugar cravings are caused by low blood sugar from not eating. Then your body craves energy and we eat quick and simple sugar to fix our cravings. Eating 5 small meals is how your metabolism works so you will not only stop feeling the need to eat sugar you will also burn more fat.

Eating 5 small meals works to cure almost all bad habits. Once you skip a meal or have a large gap between meals your body will do something negative to survive which has long term consequences. During gaps in your meals your body will do things like burn muscle tissue for energy. Start eating a balance of fruits, vegetables, complex carbs, lean protein, and healthy fats with each meal, and you will see your bad habits become real anti aging nutrition.

Sedona Labs offers the highest quality probiotics like iFlora and Serraphase.

Bodybuilder Muscle Mass Diet on a Budget

When you are into bodybuilding you can start to see that your bill every month for food is greater than buying expensive gas at the pump. For those that want to achieve their muscle building diet and still have money left over, we have tips for bodybuilders on a budget.

Top 5 Tips for Bodybuilder's Food on a Budget

1. The most important thing you can do it make a grocery list. One of the worst things you can do is go into a super market especially hungry and attempt to figure out what you need on the fly. Most often without a grocery list we get food we don't need and forget something that is important that we have waste more gas going back to the store.

2. You can buy complex carbs in bulk. Stocking up on brown rice, potatoes, and oatmeal allows for you to save money on the high volume shopping. Unlike most people who buy and bulk and the food gets spoiled before eating, if you are a serious bodybuilder than you know the amount of calories you are going to eat and the food won't get wasted.

3. You get what you pay for. This stills seams to be the situation with supplement brands, though not with food items. The store brands in most grocery stores are just as good as the name brand and cheaper. Go with the store brand and save money.

4. You body needs the vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables. What is also important is variety. We typically get into such routines that we only eat certain fruits or vegetables. Start buying the deals and sale items in your produce section of the grocery store. This will give you more variety and you can save money on always buying the same items at their normal higher price.

5. Buy food around the outside path at the grocery store. Almost always the processed foods are in the aisles while the natural meats, vegetables, and breads are along the outside wall around the store. Natural foods are typically cheaper than the process and boxed counterparts and hold much more nutritional value.

You can make any bodybuilding diet work on any budget. Also, as an added tip think of your protein shakes and meal replacement shakes as part of your grocery bill instead of supplement bill. These are cost effective way to get calories at the right calorie ranges. Since your protein powders are food, it won't make your supplement bill look so big any more either.

LiveLeanToday has the highest quality bodybuilding products like ephedra diet pills, non hormonal anabolics, and more.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Tri Lean System ALR Industries Fat Loss FAQ

The Tri-Lean System is not only effective in terms of obtaining desired results; it is also very cost effective on your wallet. It is a complete A-Z fat loss support system designed exclusively for ALR Industries by Author L. Rea himself. Whether you need to lose that last stubborn 10 pounds for a wedding or if you just want to get super lean to impress judges on a stage, the Tri-Lean System is your one stop tool to achieve this. Enjoy results today!

Tri-Lean System Q &A’s:

Q: I currently use your T-X and love it! Now, I hear a lot of my friends talking about the “Tri-Lean System.” What is it?

A: The Tri-Lean System is what we at ALR Industries label as the, “Personal Trainer In a Box.” Author L. Rea realized after many requests that many people wanted to use all of our fat-loss products at the same time for quicker gains and even more results. He answered their requests by delivering the Tri-Lean System. This system is a 90-day kit (yes, a full quarter of a year) and contains everything you need to get results. No hype, no cookie cutter formulas or silly gimmicks, just the goodies you asked for. The Tri-Lean System™ is so powerful that it helped turn Krissy Chin PRO (IFBB Figure Pro)! Now she is our spokes model and part of Team ALR. Also amongst Team ALR is IFBB Figure Pro Amy Peters. Yes, this kit is that powerful and effective.

Q: What comes inside a Tri-Lean System kit?

A: The Tri-Lean System contains one bottle of T-X, one bottle of Zero-Stim and one bottle of Lean Dreams) plus, a FREE bottle of Hyperdrive 3.0+! However, Author did not stop there. Also included in the kit is a personally autographed poster of one of his models/athletes, and a comprehensive diet and training program for both men & women. How could you lose?!

Q: At what time do I take each of the products in my Tri-Lean System?

A: Following directions on some current weight loss products can be nerve wrenching. However, we at ALR Industries made it simple. On the back of the Tri-Lean System box is a simple week-to-week schedule. Simply follow it for 13-weeks and enjoy safe and effective results. We get many testimonials on the incredible results that people are getting while on the Tri-Lean System. When you use your Tri-Lean System, please take a before picture. Then after 13-weeks on the Tri-Lean System, send your before picture along with an updated after picture. You may be asked to submit a testimonial and your pictures to be featured in our ALR magazine or here on our website. Trust us, you will be so proud of the after picture that the before picture won’t even matter anymore! Plus, if you are chosen to be featured- you will receive a new Tri-Lean System. That is our way of saying, “Congrats and GREAT job!”

Q: I am getting married soon. Will this kit help me lose those last stubborn pounds so I can fit into my dress?

A: First off...congratulations on getting married! This answer is an easy one. Out of all the products available, the Tri-Lean System is the most comprehensive system on today’s market. Complex in chemistry, yet easy to follow and highly effective in helping you achieve results. Leave most of the work up to the Tri-Lean System and to us. You just focus on picking out your wedding dress and invites. Soon you will be very secure knowing all your pictures, wedding and honeymoon will be one to remember & share for years and years to come.

Q: I am a professional athlete looking for the winning edge and use many of your other products. Is the Tri-Lean System safe and will I fail a drug test when taking the products in the kit?
A: You are safe. We do not use any amphetamine/methamphetamine-based structures in any of our products found in the Tri-Lean System. Furthermore, there are no illegal substances such as Ephedra found in any of ALR Industries’ products. However, we ask that you please check with your specific organization and its banned substance list.