Thursday, July 31, 2008

Health Benefits of Probiotics

Have you ever heard the word probiotics only to not know what it means? Probiotics have started to become exceptionally popular. The information in this article is designed to help you understand what probiotics are, why they are beneficial. Also, important is for who are probiotics good for.

Have you ever heard of good bacteria? In essence that is what probiotics are. Your digestive system has over 400 different active healthy bacteria. The most common of these good bacteria are acidophilus and bifidobacterium bifidum, which are the most abundant healthy bacteria for digestive health. You may find these two ingredients in the best probiotics. These good bacteria are needed to keep your digestive system in balance. Poor amounts of healthy bacteria or probiotics cause health problems like headaches and poor or painful digestion. For any person struggling with their digestion know how uncomfortable these issues are.

L acidophilus works by supporting the production of acidphilin, lactic acide, and hydrogen peroxide which combined challenge the harmful pathogens that cause major damage within your body. Removing harmful pathogens boots your immune system, supports proper digestion, prevents poor breath, fights tumor and cancer causing pathogens, and helps with the ability to digest dairy products.

The goal of all probiotics, including bifidus and acidophilus is to support your digestive system to function properly. When you digestive system starts to lose it health increasing these good bacteria is essential to getting your digestive health back.

Many people suffer from candida, a disturbing digestive problem. If so then probiotic supplements are essential for regaining your health. The best probiotics prevent the yeast from continuing to grow and increase the effectiveness of the immune system. One thing to keep in mind that antibiotics destroy probiotics in your digestive system. The problem with antibiotics is that they do get rid of harmful bacteria and can cause problems with the good bacteria as well. Proper good bacteria is so important as 70% of the power of your immune system resides in your digestive system.

You body is in constant struggle from outside pollutants. Toxins from the environment, food, and stress reek havoc on digestive health which makes taking a probiotic a part of any healthy daily routine.

Probiotics are now becoming a staple supplement just as a multivitamin. Just like a multivitamin delivers the vitamins and minerals your biological processes need on a daily basis, probiotics deliver the essential healthy bacteria that your gut needs on a daily basis. Taking a probiotic supplement is now becoming part of many people's daily routine.

Sedona Labs offers the highest quality probiotics like iFlora Nasal, iFlora Kids, and more.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hyperdrive 3.0 ALRI Review Frequently Asked Questions

Hyperdrive 3.0+ is one of the strongest stand-alone comprehensive fat loss/energy and performance products available today. Hyperdrive 3.0+ is specifically designed for remarkable results & fat loss. If this is your goal, there is no other choice. Don’t you want to,” LIVE LIFE IN HYPERDRIVE!”?

* HYPERDRIVE 3.0+ Q &A’s:

Q: My bottle of Hyperdrive 3.0 + doesn’t say Venom anymore, is it still the same great formula?

A: Venom was just the name of our fat loss series. The product you are referring to has always been called Hyperdrive 3.0. Now, we have upgraded the formula in order to elevate feelings of euphoria, further suppress your appetite, increase mental acuity and provide even more energy. The formula is now called Hyperdrive 3.0+.

How did we upgrade the formula?

* We built on the infamous original formula (we took NOTHING OUT!).
* We increased the dosages of a few of the real goodies.
* Plus, we added 2 significant synergistic compounds to further enhance the euphoric feel as well as to provide additional appetite control.

Q: Can I still drink my morning coffee while taking Hyperdrive 3.0 +?

A: We recommend that you do not ingest additional caffeine while taking Hyperdrive 3.0+. In the end it comes down to your individual tolerance to caffeine and stimulants. You can adjust as you go according to your tolerance. However, we strongly recommend that you consume no additional stimulants to allow you to accurately assess your tolerance when first taking Hyperdrive 3.0+.

Q: Can I take Hyperdrive 3.0 + on an empty stomach?

A: We recommend that you take Hyperdrive 3.0+ with food and fluids so that your body is properly fed and hydrated especially if you are sensitive to stimulants.

Q: I have to take a drug test for work purposes, does Hyperdrive 3.0+ contain amphetamines or methamphetamines?

A: Absolutely not. There are no amphetamine or methamphetamine based structures present in Hyperdrive 3.0+. Furthermore, there are no illegal substances found in any of ALR Industries’ products.

Q: I have a wedding coming up soon.Can I take any other supplements with Hyperdrive 3.0 + to help me lose the extra ten pounds faster?

A: Yes, you can take Hyperdrive 3.0+ in conjunction with other supplements to further aid in your fat loss. Hyperdrive 3.0+ is an exceptional centerpiece to any weight loss program. In fact, ALR Industries has developed the Tri-Lean System, which is a total fat loss kit. It consists of Hyperdrive 3.0+, Zero-Stim,
T-X and Lean Dreams.

If your appetite catches up with you in the afternoons and evenings, Zero-Stim is the answer. Zero-Stim, which is stimulant-free not only suppresses your appetite but it also controls your blood sugar. For nighttime, we formulated Lean Dreams. Lean Dreams promotes relaxation while controlling cortisol and supporting GH levels as your body rejuvenates itself from a good nights rest. We all know how important a good nights rest is. Have you ever noticed how your days and workouts drag when you are tired? Just something for you to consider as you access your supplement needs.

T-X is another component of our Tri-Lean System. How many people do you know have a slow thyroid? I know quite a few and they have a very difficult time getting weight off and keeping it off. T-X will support optimal thyroid function and allow you to lose body fat with relative ease. Ever hit a plateau in weight loss? It was most likely due to impaired thyroid function. We decided to remove that roadblock with T-X.

Q: I love Hyperdrive 3.0+. Do I need to take time off of Hyperdrive 3.0+?

A: We recommend that individuals do take time off from products or cycle them. This is based on the fact that our bodies lose responsiveness over time due to our body’s adaptive nature. Our bodies have great adaptive capabilities and our adrenal system is no different. Time away from a product will allow your body to be more responsive when you re-introduce it back again after a period of rest. It is always good to take time off periodically from stimulants to let the adrenal system “recharge” so to speak. A prime example would be coffee. In order to get the same desired effect from coffee, you eventually have to drink more and more over time as your adrenals lose sensitivity.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Alpine Climbing and Fitness

I have written before in this publication about indoor rock climbing and its fitness benefits. Now I want to turn my attention to the sport of "alpine climbing" and its variations, and how this activity can become a part of a fitness lifestyle that is truly in concert with what we call the "inner athlete." Another term for alpine climbing is simply "mountain climbing". Though most people would think of mountain climbing as something that would involve a very high peak and trekking through snow to get to the top, the purpose of this article is to show the value of participating even in less extensive climbs that test fitness and require some planning, but can be done in a short period of time or even over the course of an afternoon. As a personal trainer I was always looking for things that would effectively motivate my clients to adhere to a fitness program and reach their goals. Whether the goal was weight loss, building muscles, toning up their bodies or having more energy, I knew that the "Inner Athlete" that we mention frequently on our website exists in everybody, so it was up to me to find an activity that allowed a client's version of that inner athlete to come out. Training to get their body fit enough to climb a mountain was frequently the ticket. It is a very simple idea: get your body from the bottom of the mountain to the top, and once you are up there, enjoy the view and the fruits of your labor. A lot of clients were really intrigues by the idea, so we built their cardio programs and resistance training programs around it.

As I write this article, recently I have been riveted by the current Discovery Channel series "Everest, Beyond the Limit". The series follows the journey of a group of climbers led by a professional guide as they attempt to reach the summit of the world's highest mountain. In the series, viewers are treated for really the first time with EXACTLY what it looks and sounds like way up at those rarely traveled altitudes. In addition, a TV series has never before focused on the actual life these climbers lead as they spend almost 2 months on the mountain itself, getting used to the altitude and building the specific fitness required to achieve the summit. The hardship these people endure to reach their goal is almost beyond the understanding of most people, as the prolonged exposure to the increasing altitudes of Everest causes the climbers' minds and bodies to gradually shut down and stop working properly. It is enough to make even a pretty experienced fitness professional and adventurer like myself question the value of doing something that extreme to my body. Even having done some alpine climbing myself, including summiting Oregon's Mt. Hood (11,249ft) and Washington's famous Mt. St. Helens (8,364 ft), I still found it tough to imagine wanting to put my body through something so tortuous. The altitudes on the mountains I have climbed are only around 1/3 as high as those on Everest (29,035ft)

That's not what this article is about, however. Only a few thousand people in the entire world have ever stepped onto the summit of Everest, but virtually anyone can find a "climbing" adventure that suits their fitness and personality. The experience of the thrill of climbing is something that is realistically within anyone's means when actually trained for. Most people have just never really considered it possible or know where to start. Looking beyond the extreme nature that is present on Everest, the sport of "mountain climbing" can be participated in by almost anyone with a solid basic level of fitness. There some real and absolutely extraordinary fitness benefits that extreme climbers have achieved by the time they are done on Everest, and a version of those benefits are within the reach of "normal" people. These are people who may want the adventure of climbing a mountain to motivate them, but can realistically be achieved on a much smaller scale attainable by virtually anyone.

Physiologically, climbing is one of the most effective aerobic activities that can be performed. The steady state effort required to train for and perform climbs builds tremendous fitness in the heart and circulatory system. It is also typically low impact and easy on the joints which makes it an activity that virtually anyone can perform at some level.

Psychologically, climbing has a typically very simple appeal: getting to the top of a mountain feels good and is a very easy goal to define. "I made it to the top" is a very attractive thing to feel. Everybody wants to feel a sense of accomplishment in their lives, and too often our fitness success or failure is defined by the weight scale. All shapes and sizes of, people can climb, and the mountain doesn't care what size you are, it only cares if you made it to the top of it or not. So, best of luck in your climbing adventures, no matter at what altitude you finish!

Live Lean Today offers perfect options for those looking for online fitness trainer, Tag Heuer sunglasses, and more.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

20% Off 4th of July Sale

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Find your favorite products like Animal Pak, Hydroxycut Max, Megadrine, Kre-Akalyn 1500, iFlora, Zrii, and more with the 4th of July 20% Off Sale.

See the Complete List of 4th of July Special Products

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Hi Tech Lipodrene (yellow hexagon diet aid) delivers 25 mg of ephedra leaves (extract), Thermo Rx, and Hoodia Gordonii to make the ultimate diet product. Lipodrene's multi weight loss aid formula achieves superior real pounds off the body while allowing hard earned lean muscle mass to stay.

See the Complete List of 4th of July Special Products

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#1 Probiotic with over 16 Billion Active Cells - 20% Off

More positive strains means more posivite results with iFlora Complete Acidophilus Formula. IFlora contains up to 8 times more strains and 12 times the number of viable cells per gram than found in most probiotics.

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How does fitness really help weight loss?

Here at LIVE, we want you to think the next time you’re tempted to diet your way out of sothat unwanted weight gain, to stop and consider your fitness-based alternatives. Here are the biggest reasons a comprehensive fitness approach is a more effective and sustainable weight-loss solution:

Fitness revs your cellular engines. Your cells’ mitochondria are the calorie burning powerhouses in your body. Mitochondria need oxygen, so the more oxygen you consume per minute (VO2 max), the more efficient your cells become, and the more calories you burn.

Fitness balances your hormones. Over time, fit people experience positive hormonal changes that help keep them fit. Lower stress hormone (reduces inflammation), higher growth hormone (builds muscle) and lower insulin (controls cravings) are just a few of the hormonal benefits fitness brings. »MORE